Monday, October 5, 2009


I have to say I'm quite happy with myself. I must share my good news. Right now, I am sitting in a pair of jeans that are the same size as the ones that I wore in college. To be honest, they are a little tight... but they were buttoned and zipped, all without jumping up and down, or lying flat on the bed, or sucking in and holding my breath until passing out cold on the floor...
It feels great. I am also a few pounds under what I weighed when Jason and I got married! (Not that my post- 4- children body looks the same... but still) I began last November. I had help. Help from friends, from websites, from family, from my doctor. Quotes that kept me inspired, goals to keep me dedicated. And am still working on it today. Eating right and working out. The gym has been awful lonely in the wee hours of the morning lately. But, it has me, and I have it! I have come to love it again. REALLY love it. Like I did in college. It is my alone time, my out, my energy booster, my to do list accomplished. It is my morning starter, and my spirit lifter. So... be happy with me. I have literally worked my butt off, and I'm telling you what... I don't even miss it!
Thanks so much to the friends who inspire me to do better and be better. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks, also, to those who noticed the pounds coming off, and took the time to mention that they noticed it. That was such a huge incentive for me to keep going. So Goodbye excuses. Goodbye huge pregnancy weight gains. Goodbye fattening, sugary, glorious, sinful, decadent desserts. Here I am. And here is where I want to stay!!!


Holly said...

Way to go!

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

you go girl...congrats on getting into those "skinny jeans"!!!

grandma p said...

Way to go Katy. You look great. What an accomplishment. As one who has struggled with weight for years, I appreciate all of your hard work. Working out is the way to do it. (And eating healthy, of course.) Way go to!

Mellissa said...

Congratulations! That must feel great to get into something you've wanted to for a while. :)

Lori Clark said...

Contrats - I seem to be stuck with 10 lbs from my last baby that dosen't want to come off.

Stu and Kaycee Fillmore said...

Yay! Good job! You always look great! Way to stick with it and enjoy those rewards!